Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Login and General Information

What is ORA? What are the benefits of ORA™? Why it is needed? Where is ORA™ being used? How do I log into ORA™? Is training available for ORA™? Who has access to ORA™? Are employees required to use this application? Can I access ORA™ from my home Computer? Does ORA™ work on my phone?
System Requirements

What are the minimum hardware and software requirement of ORA™? What type of browser is best recommended to use ORA™? How will I know the version of my browser? Is an internet connection required?

What type of accounts can I enroll in ORA™? How do I enroll in ORA™? How soon can I access my account in ORA™?
Security Questions

How is security of information enforced in ORA™? My account has been locked or disabled, where to seek help? When I leave ORA™ idle for a period of time, what will happen? How much historical information is available on ORA™?
User ID and Password Maintenance

What happens if I forgot my Username? What happens if I forgot my Password? The system is not accepting my new password. What should I enter? I requested to reset my password but have not received it. How long does it normally take? I need a new password, but no longer have access to the email address where the reset password email was sent. What are the guidelines in creating username and Password? Can I change my password any time? How do I ensure the security of my password?
Contacting ORA™ Development Team

How do I report a bug or request a new feature? My question isn’t answered here. How do I ask question?

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